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The Douglas County Kids' Fishing Derby

Volunteer Registration Form This year's event will be held Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th at Lampe Park - Gardnerville, Nevada

For over 30 years, the dedication and generosity of local volunteers has allowed the Kids’ Fishing Derby to grow from serving 300 kids in its first year to over 2,000 at its height of operation. An estimated 300+ Volunteers are needed annually to perform the variety of duties it requires to make the Derby a success. We would like to thank all of our returning volunteers and warmly welcome all of our new volunteers.

The minimum age to be a volunteer is 13 years of age. Volunteers between the ages of 13 to 15 years old must work with an Adult Sponsor, who will be responsible for them at all times.

If you do not have an adult sponsor to accompany you during the event, please check the "Need Sponsor" box located in the Contact Form and a committee member will match you with an approved Sponsor.

Date of Birth
Please confirm your age
Are you in Need of an Adult Sponsor?

If you are between the ages of 13 - 15, please provide the Name and Contact information of your Adult Sponsor.

Volunteer forms for minors will NOT be accepted without this information. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Danny Lozano, with any questions or concerns you may have before submitting your form.

Please Note that All Adult Sponsors will be verified by our Volunteer Committee.

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Remember, you do not need to be a "fish person" to volunteer for the Kids' Fishing Derby! There is much to do around the event and therefore a job for everyone. However, we want our volunteers to be comfortable and have fun! Please let us know, using the selections below, how you feel about working with fish so that we can best assign you to your job position.

Select all options that apply to you.

Please Read the Following Descriptions Carefully & Select your 3 Desired Positions Below

1. Set Up – includes the setting up of fences, gates and volunteer stations, canopy construction (such as Check-In Station, Refreshments, fish cleaning area, etc) on Wednesday, June 3rd, Thursday, June 4th and Friday, June 5th.

2. Tear Down – includes the removal of fencing, gates and volunteer stations, and general clean-up of Lampe Park on Sunday, June 7 th , after the end of the Derby.

3. Remove Fish – at the end of the derby on Sunday June 7th, volunteers will help net the remaining fish for loading on the fish truck to be planted elsewhere. (Volunteers should have waders for this task, as you will have to get into the river.)

4. Fish Weighing Station – weigh fish brought to the weighing station and record information for largest fish awards.

5. Fish Cleaning Station – clean fish for participants. Also includes volunteers to haul 5 gallon buckets of water for fish cleaners, dumping waste water and refilling fresh water.

6. Tagged Fish Prize Station – assist in removing tags from fish, record participant information for prizes, and assist participants in selecting prizes for tagged fish.

7. Ticket Gate Keeper – responsible for ensuring participants are fishing on the right day, at the right time and in the correct area. It is the Ticket Gate Keeper’s job to collect a ticket from every participant who passes through the gate. Preschool participants may have one (1) parent go through the gate with them – only in the preschool area. Responsibilities also include keeping adults who are not volunteers out of the river area; ensuring no tackle boxes, chairs, strollers or ice chests enter the river area; and keeping the KFD’s loaner poles inside the gated area. Then required to hand out a prize or prize bag to each kid on the way out.

8. Tackle and Loaner Rod Station – responsible for rigging the poles with hooks and weights, along with supplying tackle and bait to the River Help volunteers. The Derby has a number of rods and reels that are loaned out for each fishing session. Volunteers will issue rods when necessary and clean/repair them if needed prior to each session.

9. River Help – responsible for assisting in baiting the hooks, replacing hooks, netting and landing of the fish and removal of hooks from the fish. Volunteers may help with casting lines into the river, but should refrain from reeling in any fish, as it is a Kids’ Fishing Derby. It is the volunteers’ responsibility to make sure no fish is put back into the river. River Help training sessions will be held prior to the derby for anyone interested in helping on the river. Training is required for volunteers under 16 years of age. (See page 2 for training session dates.) River Help volunteers will be assigned to the river in areas where they will be most effective in assisting the kids.

River Help volunteers must have the following:

A landing net, a long handle is preferred.(the Derby will provide plenty to use)

A long nose pair of pliers, or some other device for removing hooks from the fish. (the Derby has a few)

A knife, nail clippers, or some other device for cutting fishing line.

A vest or some other means of storing bait hooks and other items. (or a lot of pockets)

10. River Supply Courier – ensure the River Help volunteers have the necessary supplies to assist the kids, such as bags, hooks, sinkers, bait, and especially numerous water deliveries.

11. Registration/Information/Volunteer Check-In Station – assist in checking in the volunteers, distributing caps and lunch tickets, as well as providing guidance and information to the Derby participants and parents when necessary.

12. Food Service – prepare and/or sell concessions, food and beverages, and collect refreshment tickets.

All River Help & Fish Cleaning Station Volunteers MUST attend specialized River Help Training. Follow our website for more information as well as Upcoming Training Dates.

Please indicate you have read and understand River Help Volunteer Requirements
Volunteer Positions

Volunteer Shift Opportunities

SET UP - Wednesday, June 4th
DERBY DAY ONE - Saturday, June 7th, 2025
DERBY DAY TWO - Sunday, June 8th, 2025

Volunteer Code of Conduct

All Volunteers Must Follow the Douglas County Kids' Fishing Derby Volunteer Code of Conduct. Please read and indicate you understand the Code by clicking the "Agree" Option Below.

First off, let us start by saying that it is YOU who make the Kids’ Fishing Derby a success every year. Without volunteers, we would not be able to serve the many kids that we do over two days.

As a KFD Volunteer, there are certain expectations that we have of you so that our kids have the best fishing experience possible. They are why we are here. Rules are as follows:

1. We ask that you commit to a minimum of two sessions.

2. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of your first session. You may arrive even earlier, since watching is half the fun!

3. The Volunteer Registration table is where you start on each day. The volunteers there will check you in and give you your hat (if it is your first session), lunch ticket and assignment. Please know that we do our best to place you in the area that you registered for, but this is not always possible based on the needs of the event. River Help is always needed.

4. Do not bring friends who would like to volunteer to the event if they have not registered prior to the event. As much as we appreciate this, we have no means to take the additional information at the event and every volunteer is required to attend a volunteer meeting.

5. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas. If you are not sure, please ask a committee member.

6. Alcohol is prohibited at all times. Remember, we are here for the kids.

7. Please do not leave your area without checking with the committee member in charge of that area. This is very important as it gives us the opportunity to fill your spot should you have to leave.

8. Please be on your best behavior. No swearing or negative behavior will be tolerated. Again, it is all about our community’s kids. We want them to have the best experience possible.

9. We realize that cell phones are a fact of life, however when working with the kids, please keep usage to a minimum. Most of the time, there is ample opportunity to take breaks.

10.If you are unable to comply with any of the above rules, please notify the Volunteer Coordinator.

Above all, we appreciate your time and energy.

Be warned, the Kids’ Fishing Derby can be addicting.

The smiles on the children’s faces cannot be traded for anything in the world!!

As a KFD Volunteer, I agree to:

1. Perform my task as outlined in my job description to the best of my ability – refer to Volunteer Information Sheet.

2. Check in at the Volunteer Check Station 15 minutes before the start of my session with necessary equipment.

3. No alcohol consumption prior to and/or during the event.

4. No smoking during the time I am assisting the participants, or in the volunteer areas.

5. Refrain from any type of solicitation among the staff or patrons.

6. Observe all safety rules and use care in the performance of my assignments.

7. Comply with the Volunteer Code of Conduct above.

Volunteer Meeting Obligation

Every Volunteer is REQUIRED to attend at least 1 Volunteer Training Meeting prior to the event. Please check the box below to indicate you understand and agree. These meeting dates will be listed on our website and social media sites.

As a final step... Please provide your signature below.

© 2023 - 2025 Kids' Fishing Derby, INC.

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